Baby Blues and Better Days
The Baby Blues and Better Days course is offered by Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba. It is a free 6-week course for new mothers and their partners that addresses issues and concerns that can come with the birth of a baby, with special emphasis on post-partum depression. Attendees learn skills and coping strategies from facilitators who have lived experience with post-partum depression. A support group (in person or online) is offered after the course to provide ongoing help to parents.
Currently, we are offering this course four times per year virtually. The size of the group is kept small (maximum 10 registrants) to facilitate good conversations. Moms, partners, and babies are all welcome to attend virtually.
If you have questions or comments, please contact our Women’s Program Coordinator at 204-560-1463 or
Postpartum Peer Support Group
We offer an online weekly Postpartum Peer Support group, every Tuesday from 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM. **CURRENTLY ON HOLD**
Postpartum Warmline *ON HOLD TEMPORARILY*
Our postpartum warmline is 204-560-1468. This line is active Monday to Friday from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm.