Northern Region

Northern Region

northern region

Included in the Northern Region are the towns of Churchill, Cross Lake, Flin Flon, Gillam, God’s River, Grand Rapids, Leaf Rapids, Lynn Lake, Nelson House, Norway House, Pukatawagan, Snow Lake, South Indian Lake, The Pas, Thompson and Wabowden.

Our Peer Support Outreach Worker in the Northern Region can provide one-on-one peer support, facilitate peer support groups, or give presentations in workplaces, non-profit groups or in schools about mood disorders.

If you are struggling with your mental health, looking for resources, or would like to book a presentation or one-on-one peer support session, please email


Stay tuned for more upcoming programs and events!

Contact: TBD
Phone: 431-778-2974

Crisis Phone List

All Rural Farm and Rural Stress Line: 866-367-3276

First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line: 1-855-242-3310

Thompson Youth (17 and under) Mobile Crisis Team: 204-778-1472 or 1-866-242-1571 (toll free)

Wellness Peer Support Group – Westman

Soul Sisters 

This is an online mixed group that focuses on wellness topics, addressing all mood disorders, diagnosed or undiagnosed and welcomes everyone to experience an evening of support and connection.

Please note: There is no charge for this group and we do not meet on statutory holidays. This group meets virtually once per month from 6:30 – 8:00 pm and meets next on September 16, 2024. Starting October 7th, this group will meet weekly.

To join the group and receive the Zoom link or for more information, please contact or call/text our Brandon office at (204) 721-2174.


Once Per Month on Sep. 16th and then weekly starting October 7

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

A community of women who care about each other and who welcome open, honest, heartfelt connections and conversations. Come join a sacred space of nonjudgmental & confidential sharing.

Please note: There is no charge for this group and we do not meet on statutory holidays.

To join the group and receive the Zoom link or for more information, please contact or call/text our Brandon office at (204) 721-2174.



10:00 am - 11:00 am

Facilitator: Susan

Presentation & Workshop Requests

If you are interested in scheduling a presentation or a workshop on peer support and/or mental health, please fill out the Presentation Request Form by clicking on the Request button below.

Book a One-on-One

Do you need someone to talk to? We offer peer support in a one-on-one (virtual) setting. If you would like to book a peer support session, please click on the BOOK NOW button below. Appointments are 30 min – 1 hour in length and are conducted by video chat, using Microsoft Teams.

success story


Northern Region Events

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Volunteer in the Northern Region

Volunteers are integral to the creation and ongoing maintenance of MDAM’s programming. MDAM offers several opportunities for anyone interested in providing support and education directly to our clients.

Interested in volunteering in the Northern Region?

northern region